Or how poetry can make you feel like a rapper 😛
sad cake
should I be mad cake
what do you mean I can’t eat cake
cake makes me feel better
and I can go through whatever
because sweetness follows
now I don’t know about tomorrow
I’m hopeful it packs up all my sorrows
take them to hell
past the jail of negative thought patterns
fuck it I’m flourishing free, sugar gives me
It also packs on the pounds
this cocktail I found
the doc says slow down , your weight is a steady
rise up now.
alright doc , I need help. What can you do?
big pharma has a pen can make weight loss begin
only if your insurance covers it
go to the pharmacy and find out it’s a fallacy
1500 per month after insurance!?
“I don’t condone violence but I understand”IYKYK
I couldn’t write a diss if I tried
hell, insurance could of denied
am i made of money?
a rent payment every month leaving me
at blame for the folds of skin I’m in
listening to society saying it’s bad
fat = sad
that’s not always the truth
for me it started in my youth
coping mechanism to deal with my truth.
grown man now and I’ve found
a wonderful community that is special to me
for i will water that flower and let no one
even the doc, take away that power.
Eating sad cake makes me glad cake
I’m grateful the recipe was shared
If only a couple times a year I won’t beat myself up
brotha dear you deserve sweetness.
*Sad cake is an actual recipe I found on
substack.*If you like this type of poetry, consider subscribing and or sharing .
May the universe bless you and yours yo!😇
"Eating sad cake makes me glad cake"
I love it. 🖊🔥